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Funmi Iyanda
Lagos, Nigeria
Funmi Iyanda is a multi award-winning producer and broadcast journalist. She is the CEO of Ignite Media and Executive Director of Creation Television
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Friday, July 27, 2007


Its official. l'm over the hill. Its my birthday today and l'm now firmly on the wrong side of 30. l have found an errant gray hair and my butt response time is increasing with each breath. l have also recently become terrified of teenagers and can no longer digest a dinner of suya, bread and coke. To mourn the loss of my youth and elasticity, l'm taking my close friends out to dinner and later to dance like rock stars. l look forward to age 70 and beyond as l fully intend to grow old digracefully. My dream is to be a wrinkly old woman in tinko emrbrioded kaftan sipping palm wine through cracked red lipstick as l hold court with bright young creatives in my queen of the night drenched garden even as we nod to Fela classics.


Jumi said...

Happy birthday, sweetie!

Anonymous said...

Happy bday Funmi....mine was on Saturday, July 21...we july babies totally ROCK!!! Hope you have a swell time with your friends....

Ijabadeniyi Abosede said...

Hello Aunty Funmi.I bumped into ur address today and decided to check on u only to find out its ur birthday.I wish you more fruitful years to come.I ve been away from the country from 2 mths now so I dnt know much about ur program. I ve really missed our meals.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday. May you grow old godess-like, unaging in spirit and adored for your wisdom and empathy.
You'll be our flagbearer of what we Yorubas call, "ko si arugbo ni Gana" (Ghanaians do not age).

Live Long and Prosper.

Btw, are you going to tell us the tale behind the picture with Kongi?

Anonymous said...

This is not fair! How come a day after your birthday no one in blogosphere deemed it fit to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!.

Hope you had a wonderful time celebrating?

Welcome to the club of 30 somethings, you sure will love it here.


Icy PR said...


Thoughts of a Virgo said...

happy birthday ma'am

wande said...

Happy birthday Funmi and many happy returns

Nonesuch said...

Happy birthday Funmi wishing u many happy returns of the day.i like the picture u paint of ageing and i can see u in my minds eye.many happy returns of the day.

Sam Oracle said...

First, i must say a Big "HAPPY BIRTHDAY".
I wish you many more happy years of Love, Life and Laughter.

I don't think being 30 means you've lost your youth.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Dear, you do not look a day older ,if thats any cormfort.
Stay Beautiful

Anonymous said...

Thanks God for His protection over you.
July is great month bcos mine is 17th July.
MANY Happy returns!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY IDOL!!!!!!!!!!! You deserve the best always..

Eyin'ju Oluwa said...

Happy Birthday!! Stay blessed!! Say hi to Shrimp. And thats a nice picture.

Caleb said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SPECIAL ONE!!! yours days would be rich and full. Ase!

NigeriaPolitricks.com said...

You’re one phenomenal woman, ageless and graceful…HAPPY BIRTHDAY FUNMI!

Anonymous said...

many more years to you

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!wishing u many more years n dat u continue 2 have a positive impact on we d younger ones.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! Funmi and u will grow old gracefully :-)

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY. we july's ppl plenty o and we are born 2 b very great- anybody dat does not like it.... well sorry u were not born in july.
hen en funmi, Happy Birthday o. May u fulfill God's purpose for your life. Best wishes o.

plenty love

Anonymous said...


Cheetarah said...

HappyBirthday Gurl!

Anonymous said...

Happy baf-day as my phonetic teacher used to say back then,but ure really making some of us who are aproaching 30, very scared OH,abeg save us the tuts .HABA!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Funmi. Long may you live.

May you continue to be a shining star and a great model! May happiness & prosperity be yours forever more! You truly are a gem! Happy Birthday!!!

Aijay said...

Happy Birthday Funmi! Wishing u more B-days.
Lol @ losing elasticity. U look great!

tokotaya said...

yeah, we july babies rock. mine was the triple 7 so am hopin this is my lucky year

Anonymous said...

Black don't crack girl!!
happy b'day

Anonymous said...

H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y!!!! I know its your bdday and not mine, but I'm happy the way I'll be if it were one of my sisters' Bdday.

Guess what? I've found a celebrity gurlfriend (should't that be womanfriend?). YOU!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Darling, So you are a Leo we Leo's are the best Don't worry you will be fine.

Anonymous said...

Top of the day to you Funmi.Is your show on American Cable? Use to watch "new dawn " on NTA in nigeria...miss ur show on tv ..
ur best fan



sylvia said...

happy b day ma'am many happy returns

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to ur royal blogness, may u walk and neva stumble and if u do, may u fall on wealth, health and happiness...

loomnie said...

Congrats... hope you have fun at that side of 30... I will try and enjoy things at this side for three more years. Hope you had fun at the dinner, and hope you enjoyed the dance too. I think you can add rock star dance to your age 70 plans... I'm sure there'll be replaceable hips by then. Really, enjoy the year.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, and many happy returns

Anonymous said...

Still looking uber Fab!! Happy Birthday and many more achieving years to come!
It's only a number, its ur memory rentention that counts!!

Unknown said...

Hey Funmi, Happy Birthday in arrears! I pray you'll see many more years and you'll achieve much more than you've already done. The sky is the start, there's no limit.
Many Happy Returns! But why you no invite your blog family now?

Omolola said...

Happiiii birthday babes...and uhmm u still look hella goooood.Dnt mind ur enemies jare o wa lo rite ;-).

Ms. May said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!!! God Bless you and see you soon.

Funmi Iyanda said...

@ all, eeri mi wu o!!! your kindness humbles me completely. now data and statistics
a. wrong side of 30 is 35 n going down. l am 36 so l no be your mate o but make no body call me aunti, madam or woman o. As dem dey say for warri, who be ya aunti, l be sisi jo! (lol).

b. pic is kongi and l during a special show l shot last year with him and 23 young writers/fans in his abeokuta home. ln that picture, l see myself in 40 years with some young hot heads.. l will also be nursing a drink have a head of grey, lined, laughing, vibrant face, upright body but lips slashed red and fab shoes on.

c. july people rock! 777 is the number, adasi je won o!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday maam.

E pe fun wa.

Anonymous said...

since my (well taken) comments about your diamonds+chanel post, i'm happy to say you are back on track. Your last two posts are fab-loved the ankara makeover- how brave you are to let us into your 'before' pics. All of us look like just like that before we put on our tailor lauren clothes! Difference is we would never admit it and would not be original as to vamp it up.! Wasting our time letting our neighbourhood baba sikira fuck it up more and then finally after being thoroughly stressed, given up and just stayed at home!!!!

Happy Bday! You don't look a day over 30!

Anonymous said...

ARE U REALY 36????????u a sooo young i did think u are atleast 39 going to 40....not becos u look it(far from it!!!!) but i just thot so...i do envy u, i realy wish i have ur spirit and strength....as a single mother who is enjoying life!...i am 33 and divorced after 5yrs of marraige...no kids...and av moved to the UK..doing my masters...sometimes i am happy and sometimes depressed...like u i dont look my age...dont know if i did the right thing walking out on my marraige....or if i shouldv stayed unhappy like some pple in unhappy marraiges...and reading ur piece always lifts me up.....u can be single and be happy!...thanks funmi...

Anonymous said...

happy birthday in arrears

Bella Naija said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!!
I am sorry this is late...
U r def not over the hill! U know that...
aww our birthdays are a day apart...too cool
Hope you had a fabulous day, here is to many more years!

Judy123 said...

Happy Birthday, Funmi. You make womenfolk proud with your achievements!

Anonymous said...

Well, a happy belated birthday to you. As your days be, so shall your strength, wisdom and fulfillment in the might name of Jesus. With love.

BabaAlaye said...

Remember last night at the Terra Culture? The good looking chap that walked up to you and said he loved your show and your Blog, and you asked his name? *wink*
Happy Birthday Mami.


i know i know, i m so so so so late, but better late than never. Happy birthday sisi mi. I admire you.

BabaAlaye said...

And you look so beautiful up close. Your skin just glows...

Saw you at JFK last year with your daughter it looked like you were in a hurry so i didn't get to talk to you. I had to come say hi last night.
Take care.

Funmi Iyanda said...

@ ayomide, pls email me, lets talk okay knowing you are talking to someone who will never laugh at you or run you down behind your back.

@babaalaye, you sly horse! gosh l shoulda got a better look. damn damn. tall, darkish, l think, good strong voice, slight accent and not a hint of your mischievious mind in sight. So will you marry me?

@remi akano, aburo mi abi? come and trap me at home one saturday okay, thats the only way.

Anonymous said...

happy belated birthday!!! mehn, cant believe you are 36. i just turned 28 and i really pray and hope i can manage to achieve as much and even more than you, lol. past week since my birthday has been focused on the next step in my career, life etc. i am so confused about mine and cannot help but be happy that you have achieved so much. congratulations. yes, we july babes rock.

pumping! said...

Happy Birthday, long life and prosperity.

Thank you for allowing us to share in your world, may you live the rest of your life in Goodness. Amen

Rock on!!

Linda Ikeji said...

Happy belated birthday to you Funmi...sorry this is coming late.Many more prosperous years to you.BTW, you look fantastic for your age, and that skin? I'll kill for it lol.you're trully an inspiration.cheers

Anonymous said...

happy birthday funmi. you have a good heart and have achieved so much in your 36 years. much more to come i'm sure as long as you dont ever get bitter or forget to keep it real

My 2 cents said...

Happy belated birthday..from one ageless beauty to another, you look flawless ma, just flawless..

Funmi Iyanda said...

@ remi akano, uncle remi??? ema binu, thought it was my aburos. How are you uncle, you dont see me but my love and respect is unchanging. Trust you to be with the program at whatever age;-). Blessings.
@bellanaija, good to hear from you babes.
@jjc, thank you my sis, how are you?
@linda ekeji, your royal gorgeousness, thanks babe.
@2 cents, smilling at you.
thanks everybody

Anonymous said...

whats ur email add?..so i can GIST with you...
sometimes it good to talk ..isnt it...
i will email u as soon as i get it..


Iyaeto said...

Omo Olojo ibi.Happy belated birthday!! Emi a se pupo. Welkomme to d klub! I was in 9ja but I didn't know it was your b'day. I'm sure u had a nice time.Still jet lagged!!

Unknown said...

Funmi,ride on girl,logo re wa pa,o ni rival.Anytime i read your writtings or watch your show and see the passion,zeal and effort you put in doing all that,damning whatever the society says,i always wish i could be that strong.But babe,whether you are on the right or wrong side of thirty,the important thing are:are you doing what makes you happy and what are you doing in your way to put back something the society.Go babe go babe go

Copido said...

Belated birthday greetings!
You're in good shape babes, believe me.

!!Estella!! said...


how wrong of 30 side are you gurl?!

I posted my age on my blog and dem wan kill me!! Shuo!!! http://couturestelle.blogspot.com/2007/07/35-on-21st-of-july.htmlI no shame say I dey old, so, na why people dey drink Panadol for my headache?! Hiiissssssss

Happy Belated Birthday O jare my dear F. Keep on looking gorgeous O jare!

- Estella

Anonymous said...

Funmi, its going to be another birthday for you and am so exicted!.Its because my daugher is going to me one(1 year) on that day too.am so proud she shares that day with someone as beautiful and intelligient as you cos i know she is going to be too.her name is Funmi too.Hope she will get to meet you some day.love you