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- Funmi Iyanda
- Lagos, Nigeria
- Funmi Iyanda is a multi award-winning producer and broadcast journalist. She is the CEO of Ignite Media and Executive Director of Creation Television
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- Thinking out loud (not a very good idea)
- Police press release on the 'indecent dressing' ar...
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- Update on the dress and arrest brouhaha
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Friday, August 10, 2007
Angry black female
l beg no vex my people. l have spent the week in contemplative silence, first about my own future and the real possibilities of ever fulfiling my real potentials in this country. l did not want to blog and come across as the "angry black female"although my sister Chimamanda assures me that if the anger is justified then the label is not to be feared. What is there to be angry about? Not much really except that three of the hottest bars, hotels and clubs on Ozumba were robbed last Saturday with the open rape and abduction of a well dressed, corporate type woman in front of her weeping fiance. This is not hearsay, the lady who told the story still had scars on her legs and was shaken as she recalled how an entire bar was headed into a toilet with people trampling on each other and injuring the weaker and less fleet footed. In 10 days they have robbed two so called 5 star hotels, a major supermarket chain as well as 5 bars and clubs. None was reported in the papers as the places concerned had bought media silence to protect their business. The victims didnt report to the police in our usual culture of silence. They dont trust the police, dont believe they will get justice and want to avoid futher ridicule and shame. The robbries on the road and in traffic is of course norm now. To combact it all the police continues to arrest women in jeans because they are prostitutes, the rationale is that robbers lead immoral lives and follow prostitutes so if you catch the prostitues you catch the robbers. Of course all women who wear trousers, jeans or thin strapped blouses, form fitting long dress or above the calf dress and skirts are prostitues whether they are on the road or in their cars or busses and okadas. So are women out on the road post 9pm.
Why get angy at that when the largest most attended church in Nigeria the Redeemed Christian church has given tacit support to such by banning trouser wearing women from all their churches. There was this story of the new convert who came to a certain big church wearing earings and how he was mercilessly beaten by the church's morality police, a jouranlist friend was following the story until it was killed because the boy was threatened by the church, some church whose bus killed a child harrased the family into silence without so much as a condolence visit from the church overseer. All this before the convenant university began the compulsory, non consentual pregnancy and HIV testing on all graduating students. Why be angry when you see peity being used to disguise open and flagrant crime, corruption and depravity, after all our problems were caused and will be solved once we brow beat women (the original sin bringer) into barely seen, heard or considered existence.
Did many of the governors and government officials who lead services and contribute generously to church cofers in many of these churches not produce multiple children outside of wedlock in the past 8 years? Were those by immaculate conception? l cant tell you how many so called top pastors have hit on born again and sometimes married friends of mine in the past. l,m afraid l may be getting incoherent as l cant shake the deep sense of despair and worry about where it is this nation is heading. Its friday so perhaps l should lift the blues by going out to dance bata at a dance club...shoot! l cant, l may get robbed, raped or arrested for being female and daring to be happy.
Why get angy at that when the largest most attended church in Nigeria the Redeemed Christian church has given tacit support to such by banning trouser wearing women from all their churches. There was this story of the new convert who came to a certain big church wearing earings and how he was mercilessly beaten by the church's morality police, a jouranlist friend was following the story until it was killed because the boy was threatened by the church, some church whose bus killed a child harrased the family into silence without so much as a condolence visit from the church overseer. All this before the convenant university began the compulsory, non consentual pregnancy and HIV testing on all graduating students. Why be angry when you see peity being used to disguise open and flagrant crime, corruption and depravity, after all our problems were caused and will be solved once we brow beat women (the original sin bringer) into barely seen, heard or considered existence.
Did many of the governors and government officials who lead services and contribute generously to church cofers in many of these churches not produce multiple children outside of wedlock in the past 8 years? Were those by immaculate conception? l cant tell you how many so called top pastors have hit on born again and sometimes married friends of mine in the past. l,m afraid l may be getting incoherent as l cant shake the deep sense of despair and worry about where it is this nation is heading. Its friday so perhaps l should lift the blues by going out to dance bata at a dance club...shoot! l cant, l may get robbed, raped or arrested for being female and daring to be happy.
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sometimes I wonder if my own potentials can be achieved in my country. Everyday we hear of totally annoying things happenning, that when one thinks you wonder "is there sense in that country".
Well, for one thing..there's no normal, fair minded Nigerian that doesn't go through this kind of "rant" (whether vocally or more inwardly) at one time or the other. It takes practically ALL your mental energy to keep from spiralling down into despair. one thing we must all hold on to is HOPE, the hope that the future will INDEED be brighter (even though some of us might not get to see it)
Ah well..I'm outta here before this turns into yet another "rant"..!!
I feel you Funmi... its just so senseless... I was boiling with anger when I first heard about the arrests in Lagos. Have we run out of serious and progressive nation building things to do? what kind of senseless leaders are we breeding in our dear country?
I lived in Nigeria for good twenty-five years and i know for a fact that police officers are one of brothels major clientele.
As per RCCG, i want to wait and read it myself and the reasons behind it, if u have the link from the souce pls share.
I`m worried,upset and scared.
But i still believe in NIGERIA.
@all, we have started something, first plaese write a strongly worded letter of opposition to the IG, the lagos governor, Lagos AG and lagos comm of police and send to funmi@newdawnwithfunmi.com. We will take it from there, if it fails we will take up a class action. We must rescue our future from the demented, retarded and ignorant.
First this and then other vexatious issues and policies that retard our growth. If you cant do it openly do t annonymously, if its a corporate organization support through the back door. We must rescue ourselves o.
As my very good friend would say "stupid nonsense". I suggest everywoman in Lagos come out NAKED to protest this in the statehouse and not leave till the police commissioner is removed and this silly act of is put to an end. I hope you will use your TV show to air the views of collective Nigerians. This has to stop.
Lost for words. What's going on in Lagos?
This is so scary! Honestly, something has to be done about it. I've just had a female friend on the phone who equally feels your pains and is gobsmacked she is not in naija to rally support for this innocent people.
Perhaps you may want to use the media to propagte support necessary to tame this mindless Commissioner. I know it may sound crazy, but you may have to go the extreme if required. As suggested by my friend, rallying round thousands of ladies to the State House in shorts and bra may do the job. You have to of course get the world press involved (BBC & CNN in particular.
Without a shadow of doubt, the Commissioner will voluntarily resign and you will achieve the result while disguised woman oppression will vehemently become history.
As for the ban in Redeem Churches, I'll wait patiently to see how this will be enforced in London during winter for the Holy Ghost Night.
Keep fighting the good fight sister. Know that you have massive support over here.
Where is Gani when we need him?
funmi, please could you invite this commisioner of police to your show (that is if he agrees), and drill him. I want to know his religion and denomination. Is he using this as a basis or driving force for his decision to curtail "indescent dressing". And ask him to mention three other issues affectting lagos except "indescent dressing" that he is willing to tackle.
I am so amazed at that country Nigeria. Just when you think you've seen it all.............bam!
What is it? Is it some mega curse that we can't shake off. I did hear that soul lounge & pratically everything within that ozumba/lekki axis were @ the mercy of armed robbers! How can you be talking about potential, when you don't have peace of mind
I took my son( 2yrs) to the doctor (in America on holiday) the other day. We moved to Nigeria late last year. My daughter ( 6yrs) is puzzled about Nigeria, worrying her pretty little head about being late for school(traffic), all the children that have nothing to eat(on falomo bridge!). Anyways I digress, so doctor puts on the light thingy they use for examining, and once she was done with looking down his throat, switched it off. My son clung to me ( as he does during the numerous blackouts in Lagos)for dear life and uttered NEPA! looking around expecting all other lights 2 go out
I mumbled some excuse to the dr and walked out dejected, that my poor innocent son has been so severely traumatised by that country. How could he ever reach his potential left in that horrible dump??
I like the anonymous who wrote about the RCCG in London and the winter. I can't wait either. LOL!!!
Hi, sake ur message is powerful and educative,I hope concerned authorities will save us from molestation left,right back, front@ center.Robbery cases are indeed on d increase,unemployment is one of d major causes of dis menace.An adage in Yoruba says 'A n fi ete sile pa lapalapa with d arrest of female in trousers.Is dat d solution to our problems.May GOD have mercy..........FUNMI A.
Well, this is the height of hypocrisy.
Just read the link on the redeemed church, and i am kind of disappointed.
Does wearing trousers deafenen God's ears to your prayers, cos i pray with trousers and men, does he hear me. These things if it should even be heeded at all are personal things, it is what God says to YOU. You get people confused when you push things down their throat, then they just follow and lack indepth knowledge of what they are doing(gon gon su). That is why you get many christians that say my Pastor said ..... and lack substance to back it up, everybody is dressing alike and no results/substance.
God wants us to be true to ourselves, the sincerity of our heart.
As for Lagos and covenant we will comment one by one, this is too heart breaking.
I am sick to my stomach.
I have decided I will email my blog post to the papers. Whether or not it is published is their headache.
Hi funmi,i m a member of the redeemed church of God,i was in church last sunday and no such announcement was made,except it was made during the on- going convention
NUC (nigerian university commission) has been the first regulatory institution to speak against covenant universities action.....................
HIV test: NUC faults Covenant varsity
By Onyedi Ojiabor, Abuja
Published: Tuesday, 7 Aug 2007
The National Universities Commission on Tuesday criticised the decision of the Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, to compel its graduating students to undergo HIV and pregnancy tests.
The apex university regulatory body said there was no justification whatsoever for the university to subject its graduating students to compulsory HIV and pregnancy tests.
The NUC Deputy Executive Secretary (University Education), Prof. Ignatius Uvah, stated the commission‘s position in an interview with our correspondent in Abuja.
He added that the university was bound to respect national and international policies on HIV test.
Uvah, however, added that the commission had not received any report on the issue from the university or students ”and we do not know what the university is doing.”
He said, “Institutions have the right to make rules and regulations for moral and attitudinal development of students. But whatever rules must be within the bounds of national and international norms and conventions to which Nigeria is signatory.
”HIV test is voluntary worldwide. NUC cannot allow any directive contrary to that. But one can understand the situation where universities require medical test of in-coming students to know if they are fit for the rigours of academic work.
”But there is no justification at all for testing when students are leaving. Certainly, NUC will not subscribe to that especially when HIV testing is voluntary and the result of such test made known only to the person tested.”
He insisted that universities, as centres of learning and knowledge, should at all times endeavour to comply with public policies and international conventions.
@ kingskid this your suggestion e get as e be-o!How NAKED do you want us to be?I remember the peaceful protest over the 2005 sosoliso plane crash that claimed innocent school kids.Fully dressed women protesters in lagos were tear-gased and arrested by the police.Imagine what could happen to the NAKED ones?
A friend of mine was arrested by the police for over-taking a bullion van.They took him to their station ,kept him for 5 hours and did not release him until he paid 10,000naira.They accused him of being a robbery suspect for over-taking a bullion van.
total madness.....
i was planning to come back to naija for 6 months....that plan died today ...
funmi, please be careful... do want u can......dont put ur life in danger.... naija is not worth dying for.... u have a daughter to live for...abeg....
peaceful demonstration is cool..but i dont trust the police with their tear gas and guns....
Well , Redeem has its reasons for banning trouser wearing in its church. LAdies are free to stay there or move on to another church.
I dont think trouser wearing prevents anyone from going to heaven sha, may be provocative dressing.
BUT , i stand against arresting ladies on the street bcos they dress skimpily. I think all these so called activist should come out and protect their rights.
ngmix buddy
I am speechless and speak not lest i die of a heart attack! Nigeria! we truly hail thee...
Robbers have invaded our country and all the authorities are doing is chasing shadows.
God know sha...
This is indeed sad! I will be coming to Nigeria in December with my family and I am scared stiff hearing all these reports. I know bad things could happen all the time but where in the civilized world would a whole bar/spot get robbed and people getting raped and no police there to deal with the situation?
This is definitely sad to say the least!
Funmi I was in 9ja last month and the stories of robbery incidents I heard were uncountable I couldn't really hang out. I stay outside Lagos (Ikd too be precise all I did was just romance my bottles of red wine at home. As all d places I go to have been visited by awon "broda Ahmed" (armed robbers). One day i notced that d boys dat usually hang around the junction of my street were no longer there ( I was like Ope o!) but i later found out the d police had raided the "junction boys" ( sigh of relief) but 2 days later, they were released. Even babes that rub "Shirley or "Charlie" cream on their faces were arrested. I agree with going to the State House in pant and bra. Funmi i beg u go fit organise "the one million woman March". Who exactly is making this rules Fashola or the Commissioner of Police? They seem to be forgeting that Lagos is a cosmoplitan city ( I love New York). I thought they were trying to promote tourism in Lagos State? Who are the tourists (women in Purdah)It's now that NGO's who claim to protect women rights would be useful.And as for RCCG I suggesst that jeans wearing ladies shoud stop going to the church nationwide ( abi na d only church wey dey 9ja be dat? ) . The Convenant uni or what ( who are these people any way?)I think some of these uni owners are peverts. I should ask d parents a question. was there any clause in the Secondary school's (ooops uni)rules ,regulations , code of conduct, agreement or whatever about these so called checks or test? signed by the student or parents?if not then the Uni autorities should be sued!! ( Na wa o)
Redeemed is not the largest church in Nigeria. Get your facts right.
@ advice
As much as i agree that we need intellectually sound and forward looking officials ASAP.
I will not agree that a country as great as our country be reduced to a dump,haba and yes ur son can live to his full potential in Nigeria, lets not over react, yes things are bad, but believe me i weep at the condition of Naija in diaspora,especially the kids. In Nigeria they still ve a sense of belonging and pride,over here(UK) they are third class citizen,with no regard for culture and self awareness.
Most parents are too busy chasing wages so works unhuman hours, and still barely survive.(story for another day)
We need to focus on making Nigeria our own and stop thinking we can just go away, na lie.
That dump is ours and we can clean it if we try (try ke, we no get choice o)
I do appreciate the sentiments but pls lets stay positive.
i just weep for naija! instead of the police pursing crime they are wasting time harrassing poor helpless females! haba! don't they even watch crime fiction eg CSI to see what their job entails?!!
if they want to turn lagos to a sharia state they should say!!! infact am ranting my heart's out writing this.. as if material(trousers) are the cause of their trouble or RCCG prefer their worshippers living double standards? FAKE PEOPLE!!!!
I have sent my letter, and wld join the protest if letters do not yield any results. This one fight, we MUST win. adiok ano mmo.
GOD WILL JUDGE!that is alli can say!
It's true. There are many forces; inherent and outside causing our lack of progress as a country. This new development seems so blatant, i can hardly belive it's true. As per RCCG, i'lld rather wait to know the reason behind the order (if there ever was one). It seems impropable that RCCG would give such an order.
Its shocking to read about the kind of stories about nigeria.Is lagos trying to introduce sharia to the south-west?
Funmi, please don't despair or become bitter. It's hard to witness everything going on around you with any measure of equanimity but we have to fight back, and to do so we must keep a cool head and not alienate those who can help. The newspaper editors are vital in this battle - if we can get them to publish some of the emails you get.
I have been asking myself the question: with the amount of revivals and crusades involving huge numbers of the population, why do we not see any positive impact on our society? Why are we slipping further into darkness as a nation whilst loudly professing to be becoming more Christ-like (ie loving, caring for the poor and weak, treating everyone as a brother)? Being like Christ does not involve the kind of judgmental hysteria that confronts anyone who steps out of line, whether it be by their dress code or behaviour. The role of the Church in placing women under subjugation (they call it being submissive)is simply an extension of the hierarchical structure whereby the "man of God" is next in line to the Almighty and must be obeyed at all costs. At the end of the day, is it all just about power and control?
Nigeria is a very sick society but there have been many other sick societies in history (Spain under the Inquisition, Nazi Germany, South Africa under apartheid) which have overcome their insanity and arisen like a phoenix from the ashes. The same can and will happen here if right-thinking people can rise above the tragic present circumstances.
Finally, please do not compromise your personal security - your daughter and friends need you safe and well.
May God keep and strengthen you.
What? Now I am the angry black female...A university carrying out madatory HIV tests on pupils without parents consent,arresting women on jeans (shit I'm coming home in december) top clubs and hotels being robbed and kept out of the news.all otter rubbish..@ the anon who talked about the RCCG in London and the winter. was there last "show" they did and it wasn't only jeans it was jeans on spag tops with loads of boobs hanging out....yeah me too!
my sister, abeg take it easy. infact just laff because if u dont laff when BS happens 2 u in this country hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm somebody will just run mad. i've had crazy experiences with the police and atimes m just like God det try o. As in just take it easy. we will survive and truly things will change, they have 2 get better and we would definitely achieve our potentials because there are those of us who wont keep quite and people will listen some time soon most of us nigerians would change our nonsensical mindsets and begin 2 c dat we cant go on like this and we wont go on like this. sista take heart. It is well and abeg just lafffffff. hahahahahahahahahahahaha
Nigeria just amazes me when i think i have seen it and heard it all Nigeria never ever fails me with utter nonsence!
Just Imagine arresting women because they are wearing jeans???? What is Our Country turning into
I have soo much to say on this issue but i will leave it for my letters!
God help us!
Religion will be the death of us in Naija.
The business of religion is baout control and fear and by God! do Nigerians know how to wield it.
But here's the scary thing, the fact that armed robbery can happen in major places and these places can buy the silence of newspapers.. doesn't that tell you something?
What the heck is blogging for if not for things like that?.
But no, we are more content with gossip and hearsay.
Liberty is at stake, freedom of movement is at stake and all some people care about are women in trousers?.
Fo' real? wow!. Is Fashola impotent? why does it bother him so.
I swear if I ever came into government I will burn all those churches to the ground!
Absolutely every sick, perverted, money grabbing, fake idol worshipping one of them. I will burn them all!
By the time I'm thrugh, You will need a license and a theology degree just to be able to minister at any church.
What the hell is the government doing about this? this wealth grabbing, fake agenda inducing shit holes!
And when oh when oh when did it become the thing to just open up a private university like that? what the heck is going on?
Who let the mad men out of the stables? and why are they running around in control of the reins.
And where are our also brave men on this.. where are they? what are they doing? beyond talking.. that's all the heck they ever do, talk about it in beer parlors whilst passing around their latest teenage conquest.
THis is beyond a joke. beyond funny, beyond comical.
That thieves can operate with such openness and the press not carry it.. what good are the prss..
TO the ground...
Nigeria is long over due for a revolution... and it seems it will start with it's women.
I feel like I'm in a twilight zone. Somebody please wake me up from this nightmare
Why are people waiting for RCCG or whatever the heck the name of that org is ....
Why wait till winter?. This is london, there'd be people wearing trousers now!.
Point out the hypocisy NOW!
hi funmi,
i'm equally as pissed off as you (excuse my french), what of people who have hiv via other means asides sex. are they going to check the lecturers too, the vc....
they want to make an attempt to frustrate our young adults. is a university for children or adults. can't a 26 years old undergraduate decide to be pregnant? are they going to check the sexual activity of every single person in the school. i dont understand it. we need to find a way to stop this mess. my boss who's a pastor in this same redeem has harrassed me. we are dealing with little issues in this country to cover up real stuff, Douby
What do i say at this point, rape in clubs and restuarants by robbers and arrests and intimidation by the Police on the streets/roads. My goodness where are we expected to feel safe and have a little peace. What is going on in Lagos/Nigeria is it that truly insanity has taken over?
The ABUSE of religion, not religion itself is the problem.
always believed that wen i reaches rock bottom, the only place left 2 go is up. we've degenerated to this level of chaos for us not just 2 take a good hard look at ourselves, but d take action and enforce d necessary change we so much desire. but i truly believe that d change must start 4rm each individual.
funmi, i truly commend d stuff ur made of. each day ur in ur face & can do attitude shakes us from our comatose state to address issues that affect us.
im truly convinced that in our lifetime by God's grace, naija will change.
mystoriesmytestimonies, 4 how long will we keep looking over our shoulder & protecting just our individual turf, at this rate, people after us might not even hav a country called naija.
But u know d best thing of all, God is in control. but we hav 2 play our parts.the truth b told, our leaders r mirror images of their followers. to summarise the story of naija, (borrowing Pastor Sam Adeyemi's words. pls no crucifixion!!),we got freedom in 1960, but many of us in our hearts, have not been liberated.
@ all, lets just say we are not going to lie down and take it.
I agree with your quote from Chimamanda - in this case, your anger is every bit justified. It's painful to stick up for our country among such strong worldwide skepticism and snobbery, only to find that the reality of its existence falls short. And I can't believe the churches are endorsing that women-are-the-cause-of-crime nonsense. I'm tempted to do a loud hisssss....but I shall go off and pray instead. Man, our country needs it!
Its rather sad that Nigerian young men and women have readily adopted the so-called moral relativism arguments of the Liberals in the West. I strongly believe that Nigerian governments, religious , Educational organizations as well as traditional institutions should step up to check these dangerous trends before its too late. Hence, we will find ourselves in the same precarious positions of western nations, where morality is under seige.
'Nigerian young men and women have readily adopted the so-called moral relativism arguments of the Liberals in the West'
Forgive me, but this is utter bull****. You talk like Nigeria has a strong moral compass, and each person isn't greedy, selfish, and as ungodlike as it's possible to be while pretending to be the opposite.
It's funny how everyone seems to speak for God and morals. If people really followed guidelines laid down by God, wouldn't Nigeria be a much better place? Instead we have policemen raping people they should be protecting, talk, talk and more bloody talk while our country goes to the dogs and the people cling to some false hope!
Don't be under the misconception that God will help. The country is almost firmly under the control of the devil.
Precarious positions of western nations my ass..
Well, once again our Nation has left me speechless. I have long given up on the double standards of many of the BIG churches in Nigeria, from the Pastors fathering illegitimate children, wearing the latest suits, shoes and italian silk ties - whilst they drive past beggin children in their hummer-mobiles or flying over in their personal jets!!!!!! So women cant wear trousers, for fear of being arrested & we are worried about the western media portaying Nigeria as being in a continuous state of retardation - Alas it would appear that we need no assistance on that front !
As always I pray for my beloved country, and in the worlds of one great man - I say to the Nigerian Government "teacher, no go teach me nonsense !"
Sad as all these may be, unfortunately we need to do something different in order to get a different result. Insanity is simply doing the same thing but expecting a different result.
Focus on the issue at hand (lawlessness) instead of just cussing on this blog. Funmi was very straight to the point with no cussing, that's the way to do this. The bible says: 'Be ye angry and sin not'. Also, pls do not put your mouth on the men and women of God, because the bible says: 'Touch not my anointed one'. There are clearly some things that we singly and collectively do not know or understand, we may never know until we get to heaven.
If you have a close or loved one snatched out of this world by AIDS, you may see the quest by Covenant University differently.
Instead let's fight this God's way. When was the last time anyone personally prayed for those in authority in Nigeria? The bible says to offer prayers and supplications for those in authority and rule over us so that we lead a quiet and peaceful life.
Let us try this approach as only God holds the key to the heart of kings and He can turn it whichever way it wants.
I never respond to blogs but this was different. I am not a RCCG member, neither am I a Winners Church member, I am just simply a Christian so my response is unbiased.