About Me

- Funmi Iyanda
- Lagos, Nigeria
- Funmi Iyanda is a multi award-winning producer and broadcast journalist. She is the CEO of Ignite Media and Executive Director of Creation Television
- 2008 (1)
- Abdul Oroh (1)
- Afikuyomi (1)
- African Nations cup (2)
- Ajegunle (1)
- ALI and the 40 chiefs (2)
- Benin (1)
- Bill (1)
- Change a life (1)
- Daddy Showkey (1)
- Death (1)
- dressing (1)
- Eko (1)
- Ghana 2008 (2)
- Grace (1)
- Happy Val 2008 (2)
- Hip Hop World Awards 2008 (2)
- Holy Aruosa (1)
- hope (1)
- Idols West Africa 2007 (1)
- indecent (1)
- Law against indecent dressing? (1)
- Madeleine Albright (1)
- My Journey (7)
- NIFOR (1)
- Nigeria (1)
- Nigeria elections 2007 (4)
- PH Stories (1)
- Pilgrimages (1)
- Sir Victor Uwaifo (1)
- South Africa (1)
- Tarkwa Bay (1)
- TWF diaries (11)
- United States presidential election (1)
- Ushang (1)
Taking Nigeria to the World
Told from the perspective of Nigerians, “My Country” has captured everyday Nigerians in unusual but natural settings, engaging them in eye-opening and down to earth conversations about their unique Nigerian experience.
My Country is showing at these times on BBC World:
Part 2
Saturday October 9th 05:10 am & 6:10pm
Repeat broadcast on October 10th 11:10 am & midnight
Part 3
Saturday October 16th 05:10am & 6:10pm
Repeat broadcast on October 17th 11:10 am & midnight
Bottoms, Busstops and Identity part II

The market is 150 years old and there is talk of a remodelling into a shopping mall. From the colourful fruits, vegetables and grains display of Market Street, we walked into the corner of Julius Nyerere Street and the bovine market where, people sat on benches eating whole or parts of huge bovine heads with samp to my utter carnivorous delight. Others ate hollowed out bread loaves stuffed with beans and rice called bunny chow. From the bovine market, we … ( continue reading
Godly Tastes, part I
My pilgrimage was over but l stayed an extra day in Johannesburg to buy meat. l like food, l collect food every where l go and don’t trust people who don’t like food. What else are they denying? So I had a pungent bag of premium Indian and Zulu spices with impepho stalks to ward off evil spirits around my food. I had filled up two freezer bags with prime game, lamb and steak cuts. l have highly developed taste buds. read more
Of Prejudice

I watched them storm onto the plane in a riot of colours and sounds. There was a powerful physicality about their presence, not only in the size of their bodies but in the piercings, the wild colourful clothing, and the hair. One head had a cheek with a blond braid attached to the ebony skin, another had a waist length jumble of dreadlocks piled high of the crown of a head right at the edge of his bald patch. They spoke fast, foreign and furious.
I was instinctively pushed back into my seat glad they were heading away from me toward the back of the plane as l surveyed the landscape of bland normalness in grey suits, beige dresses and coiffed hair seated around me. read more
Africa Without Borders

By my calculation and the careful planning of the Chimurenga team l should right now be in Durban at the Ugu festival of Maskanda. Thus when l arrived in Lagos Thursday morning l did not bother unpacking, l simply sent my passport to the SA embassy in Lagos for a visa.
Anyone who knows the first thing about getting a South African visa must wonder what sort of road side drugs l was on to expect my visa to come out in 24 hours. Well, l had put in the application three weeks before and it was going through the usual torturous process when l had to make a quick trip to London. So l requested a withdrawal of my passport while the application was processed. It was duly granted and l was told to return it for the visa as soon as l returned from London. read more
Ramblings of the damned hopeful

Sports, Sex and Summer

Here's a link to my introductory article
TWF diaries: trafficked
Friday 29th May 2009.
I woke up on democracy day in pain and panic. I had spent the night battling demons in a series of very vivid, physically exhausting nightmares in which l had to find common grounds and confront my fears. In it, I got shot and my child drowned. I was cast adrift with enemies and l witnessed my own shouts of fear rising through the murky waters unheard. Towards the end, after the visceral pain and body wracking tears, my spirit started to rise and I started to note the details even as l knew not where the drifty catastrophe was or was going and war raged around me. I woke up achy but calm.
All this is a result of the TWF stories l am encountering. Yesterday, l met two young girls. I cannot tell you their names as l have a duty to protect them from further pain and stigmatization. Also their councillor had said to me at the end of the recording “l would not let them tell their story to someone who would explore them. I have followed your work for years so I know you are the right person to entrust with the story and to do the right thing by them”.
I am still struggling with what the right thing for this story will be.
Two young girls, both guarded, one frail and hauntingly aloof clutching a pale seven month old that looked like an oversized lizard.
The first girl had been tricked into a brothel in Port Harcourt, beaten and forced into prostitution for months until officials of NAPTIP rescued her.
The second was special.
I had started the day angry at Bayo and Segun with whom l had watched Barca beat Man U at the UEFA finals at the hotel bar the night before. I went to bed afterwards, they didn’t so they arrived for wardrobe and make up late. I hated the costume and hair but appearance has always been secondary to the story for me so I worked with what l got.
The story the girl with the child had to tell was so harrowing it required absolute silence especially as she was so soft spoken and weepy. Her eyes and tensed thin body told the story more eloquently than any words.
Here is the transcript.
Halfway through, I was gripped not only by inconsolable sorrow but also by an uncontrollable urge to pee which l did behind a huge tree in full view of the all male crew. Fortunately l had long lost capacity for embarrassment about my seeming incontinence. I completed the interview distracted by the noise and acutely aware of Jeff the sound guy’s discomfort and Chris’ irritation. We had an important story, which cannot be re-recorded with same effect, but we had a lousy location.
The part our trafficked girl lied about in the story is her single abandoned mother status. On deportation and return home, she had tried to rebuild her life and met a man who promised her marriage only to impregnate and abandon her. Both herself and her child were living with HIV. Strangely, through everything else she had survived, all of which she spoke about with defiant candour, this appears to be the taboo she felt most uncomfortable with.
I have never been one for use of sensational stories for viewer ship, l prefer to stay true and honourable to a story so l am often trapped with a need to find solutions or at least present and preserve the story in such a way as to bring succour if not to the wounded but to potential future victims.
One year later, Ms X is still living with HIV and her little HIV positive baby has died.
Jennifer Ero is still trying to help her and others like her.
I am going to support Ms X through change a life.
Most importantly l and Chris have a great idea about what to do with the story to make it an issue that can transform our society.
So far we have got no support, l am still in the mid point of that nightmare.
Trafficked airs on TWF, Sunday 9th May on Africa Magic 6pm local time 7pm central African time.
Online petition on Yerima

Building up the momentum, an online petition has been created for your signatures and more importantly for your international contacts action and signature.
Kindly visit: http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/yerima
Append your signature and forward as far and wide as possible
Have a lovely day.
TWF diaries: Tarkwa Bay

As we were discussing the shoot, Chris then had the idea to use our shoot as a test run for his TWF shoot.

As usual l need to pee and soon found out that the toilet was somewhere right on a path between two villages. The stench and rot curded my mind.

After the shoot I interviewed a very intense bone setter’s wife who at over 50 and 6 children had the most toned arms, a result of decades of rowing and fishing. I was told she is the hardest working citizen of this place and for years would be up at 4am to fish with babies tied to her back. She now sells pure water, as she no longer has an engine for her boat.
I also interviewed her husband the bone setter and the Liberian Maama! Finally we moved to the beach where l did the second part of the photoshoot and then changed back into my TWF costume to interview a few beach goers before a race to interview Azeezat the music star by fire at dusk before we lose the sun. The idea was to have a picturesque beach fire setting. Well we lost the sun and almost lost our minds after such a grueling day.

For those of you in Africa, see if you can spot the difference at least on my person;-).

TWF diaries: Emotan's Daughters

As I mentioned last week, I and Bayo had found a simple lace and gele outfit for the visit to the Oba and everyone had conflicting advice about how best to approach him, greet him and generally conduct myself before him. One thing l can tell you for free is that the people of Benin revere their Oba. The reaction is the same from market traders to university professors; in fact if you mention his name, they automatically say “Oba Gha to Kpere . . . . Ise”! So much so I was tempted to keep saying it to get same reactions over and over again in his court.

I had been told there was a part of the palace women were not allowed to go which of course was where l wanted to go but I am not quite crazy or daring enough.

After about forty minutes we were allowed into the court so we could position the cameras and lights, a tough job in a place we had not been allowed to Reece before hand, which turned out to be a small poorly lit over crowded room.
I was anxious and tense, a little confused by all the rules, regulations, ceremonies and wait, and believe me wait we did. We waited so long some of the guys dozed off and l got more tensed especially with the testosterone overload. Once in a while someone would come in from the inner room and everyone would jump to attention only to find it was not the Oba.

I was enthralled, he looked older than his pictures and portraits but here was the famed Oba of Benin in touching distance. I had been told he would not speak to me in English but he began by belligerently asking in English that the boom mike (who dares put a body mike of him) be moved away from his stool and the light be repositioned and so on. My heart sank; this was not going to be an easy interview.
It was not easy, It was in fact a sparring match but I was determined not to back down so I switched into my dump blonde reporter mode, asking seemingly stupid questions with a bright smile and demure (I hope) disposition. He answered each question with a question or put down but as we went on l realized it was his style so I ploughed on. When I asked if any Oba had ever abdicated his throne there was a collective gasp and the man looked at me like l was a complete idiot, he did not answer. I was mentally having fun now. He had said he would only answer a few questions but an hour later I asked my cheeky question about the place of women in his court and got a mischievous reply. All in all I would not say I found the Oba charming but I would say I thoroughly deserved the comment whispered to me by one of the high chiefs as I left. He said, “You are a brave woman, good job”.
On our third day in Benin we went to film the highest ranking female in the land, a woman whose role had been specially created by the Oba as women are not traditionally high chiefs in Benin. A very strange situation as Benin women are so strong and enterprising. I wondered what the correlation was between the unacknowledged central role of the Benin woman and the elephant in the room in every interview. The issue of human trafficking and international prostitution, which has an unfortunate Benin face. We went on to later film one of the most harrowing human trafficking story l have ever heard from a survivor who is now living with HIV but that is another diary.

It took almost an hour to reassure and persuade the traders and market goers to return, apparently there had been a recent raid and rumours of planned government restructure of the market so all those vehicles and the policemen set off their alarm.
The market shoot was great. I had always wanted to meet the famous female butchers of Benin and the women received me warmly asking after my daughter and complaining about the end of my old show. That market has everything on sale from food to clothes to animals dead and living. There were rumours of human body parts for sale but l did not see any such thing displayed.
I found the market women beautiful and funny and we left the market without any more incidence.

After the market I changed my dashiki top to a Deola Sagoe tee shirt and my flats to heels for a surprise visit to the famous university of Benin. The students mobbed me in no time and the dean of student affairs was welcoming.

Emotan's Daughters airs on TWF tomorrow 18th April on Africa Magic 6pm local time 7pm central African time.

TWF Diaries: Legends and Myths

Don’t quote me but I seem to remember that we shot the first part with the priest of the feared holy Aruosa church on May 26th and the next part with legendary Victor Uwaifo next day.
The crew had driven 2 days ahead of us from Lagos whilst we flew into a very grey and depressing Benin late evening May 25th.
We had been informed that we would require additional security in Benin so the police commissioner had been very helpful supplying four fully armed police men in contrast to the plain cloth policemen we used in Lagos and the relaxed policemen in Ondo. The Benin security was tough, tight and very professional. They were also very humane and friendly, we were sad to part with them after the shoot but then I am jumping the figurative gun aren’t l? The one point l must make tough is that the road trip showed me the potential of the Nigerian police if like everything else there was no issue of political corruption, poor funding, inadequate training, appalling salaries and work conditions.

On the morning of the 26th, Bayo and l debated what would be appropriate to wear to visit the Oba and to go to the Holy Aruosa church. Abdul had said that the Oba was cosmopolitan and l could appear there in trousers if l wanted to. I did not think agree, so l wore iro and buba with gele. I can tell you about the encounter with the Oba of Benin but that’s another day’s diary. We filmed the Holy Aruosa church after l survived my encounter with the Oba. Benin was getting on my nerves at this stage and my head was aching from the heat and the tight gele, which l took off and Bayo replaced with a wig.

The rest of the day was spent filming future episodes and searching for a decent meal in town.

I wonder what he must be like in class when he lectures. A legendary musician, TV personality, prolific sculptor, artist, body builder, public administrator and university lecturer, he, his work and his home overwhelm.
We spent an entire day filming and he neither stopped for drink or food nor paused for breath, picking me up unexpectedly at one point like l was feather weight, don’t go there!

We thoroughly enjoyed the time with him and l marveled that they don’t make them like this anymore but also that sir Victor is one example of a few Nigerian aberrations, a mad unstoppable genius expressing him in spite or perhaps because of our often-chaotic existence.
Legends and Myths airs on TWF this Sunday 11th April on Africa Magic 6pm local time 7pm central African time.
TWF Diaries: Eko for show

I woke up feeling ill so I suppressed it but my eyes were dead and I was jumpy. Perhaps to hide the ravages, make up and wardrobe took a while but the boys surpassed themselves as you couldn’t tell how poorly off I was in my energy Ankara dress from Deola Sagoe, pillar box red lips and my elaborately rolled up hair. It was fitting for the EKO FOR SHOW edition.

Friday May 22nd 2009
My dad paid me a visit and told me a story of a couple in Badagry where he lives. It is such a medieval story and a far cry from what we had filmed two days ago. I wonder how long these extremes will continue to exist side by side and the possible break point. We finished the rest of the shoot on the famous Prest boat. Lagos on the water at night looks really beautiful.
Afterwards, I changed and we filmed the abe igi conversation with the three okada riders in front of Bonzai the upscale Japanese restaurant in Victoria Island. I cannot seem to get away from those extremes and the unease I feel so I decided to untie the knots in my stomach with a memorable night out with the boys to NEWSCAFE.
Eko for show airs on TWF this Sunday 4th April on Africa Magic 6pm local time 7pm central African time.
TWF Diaries: Irrepressible AJ City

Saturday June 6TH 2009
Last night, after the final shoot in Ilorin and fractious flight to Lagos, l got dressed and went out with the girls for Remi’s birthday. I was still in the mental and physical space for filming so I looked somewhat incongruous amongst my dressed down friends. I had missed them. We saw a lousy movie and had a yeye meal at an Italian restaurant with a need to take its face out of its arse.
Went to bed restless at 2a.m and was up and cranky by 5am. Played cards in bed with the shrimp who suddenly seem grown up.
8am and Mr. B had not shown up, maybe bonding with his family too. Called in a stand in but got left behind by the crew. Fortunately I know my way around Ajegunle a little. I had spent a week filming a story here some 14 years ago.

The one thing I do feel is little, this place makes everything else pale in comparison to her wild energy, colours and pace.
The over crowed houses built shoulder to shoulder, the electric and phone cables coming out of the ears and nose of each house into the ears and nose of the other in a continuous chain. I observed, nay felt all these as I waited for the guys to set up so I could start. It is boiling and my skin is itchy under the make up, which keeps running and needing reapplying. By this time Bayo had arrived and bullied the stand into a corner.

I was introduced to Marvellous Benjy who was soaring on his own high somewhere far far away; it was tough keeping him on track during the interview. I however found him charming, smart and a little delightfully bonkers. The interview was bizarre but revealing.

Sunday June 7th
Final day of shoot for the entire series. I was up and ready by 5.30a.m. There are delays, there is trouble brewing, the scale of which didn’t become apparent until months later. One, which almost shut down the entire project.
We returned to Ajegunle and went to the famed Tolu football pitch where many of Nigeria’s ex super eagles has played. It is a sandy schoolyard behind one of the ports and adjacent to one of the denser parts of Ajegunle.

We left AJ city and stopped over at mainframe studios in Oshodi to film Tunde Kelani’s interview for the final part of the Nollywood edition. So it was that after 5 weeks of filming across 4 states, the shoot wrapped. I returned home to pack my bags for my trip to Aspen for a seminar tomorrow then I joined the guys at Tarzan to unwind. I like watching the characters at Tarzan, tonight there was the absolutely gorgeous dark girl with cropped hair and hoops and the wild snake hipped dancing boy. I wonder, what is their story?
Irrepressible AJ CITY airs on TWF this Sunday 28th March on Africa Magic 6pm local time 7pm central African time.